(573) 381-9002

Tornado And Storm Shelters

We manufacture and install in the garage floor tornado shelters, as well as build custom gun vaults, safe rooms and shelters in existing homes and new construction.
We have a wide variety of products to fit any budget and we are more than happy to work with your home’s specific needs and your desires of what you would like out of a custom gun vault or safe room.  We are licensed, insured and work in all 50 states, carry a 10 year warranty on all work and provide all our customers with confidentiality agreements on our custom vaults. We also construct and install above the ground safe rooms, usually made from steel and secured with ¾” redhead concrete anchors, however we can custom build concrete above ground safe rooms as well.

As we see every year deadly tornadoes and storms can strike anywhere at any time, a shelter or vault is a priceless investment for you and your family, call us anytime for a free consultation 573-381-9002

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